Notification Dashboard

With the visual notification dashboard you can:

  • Identify the status
  • Identify the broadcast methods
  • Identify the broadcast date
  • Edit draft notifications
  • Edit draft templates

Notification Information

Information tab enables you to.

  • Set notification type
  • Default message to be used if specific delivery method messages are not specified
  • Set distribution methods

Notification Contact Groups

Quickly and easily identify the groups of contacts you would like to include in the notification.

The system will perform a unique filter on your selection; if Jane Doe is a member of two different groups you select, she will only receive the notification once. Only active contact groups will be included in the final broadcast.

Location Groups

Location groups are useful for notifying collections of locations, typically for targeting notifications.

As an example, you may wish to notify any location group type of "Health Care Areas" to send the notification just to health care locations regardless of location.

In this example, when that location group is selected for a notification, all locations matching that location type (and all users assigned to those locations) would receive that notification.

Notification Locations

Quickly and easily identify the locations you would like to include in the notification.

The system will perform a unique filter on your selection; if Jane Doe is identified as being included in other notification choices, she will only receive the notification once. Only active contact locations will be included in the final broadcast.